In Frankly Friday

We are indebted for today’s Frankly Friday to my friend Bill Perkin.
With so much banter in the air, so many opinions, and so many people looking for an opportunity to be offended, Bill offered a four-word solution that I’m convinced could save humanity. 

“Whenever I get in those situations, I write the word WAIT at the top of my notepad,” he said.






 It reminds me of what we all know to be true… 

We usually choose our need to be heard over our responsibility to understand. 

But all we really have to do to fix it is WAIT

Why are we talking so much?

I’ve never gotten in trouble by waiting a little longer.

I’ve often get in trouble for not asking more questions.

I seldom remember this lesson. 

But with Bill’s trick in hand, I’ve got a fighting chance.

Do you want to give it a try with me?

I see joyful days in our future… if we only choose.

Let’s WAIT, my friend. 




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