In Frankly Friday

Dead Reckoning.

If you repeated this year five times again, would you be where you want to be?

If you continued the same habits…

If you kept the same company…

If you read the same amount…

If you spent the same time with family…

If you went to church the same amount of Sundays…

If you moved your body as many days…

If you drank the same amount of water…

If you held the same number of grudges…

If you showed up with the same mindset…

If you invested with the same intensity…

Would you get where you’d like to go?

In my pilot training I learned a navigational technique known as “dead reckoning.”

It means that we “pick our course, based on our last known position.”

You only need three things to dead reckon:

1. A desired destination

2. A trusted map

3. Checkpoints along the way

Do you know where are you are headed?

Do you have a trusted map? A guide? A mentor? A model to emulate?

And… what’s your current position?

It doesn’t matter if you’re 1, 10, or 100 degrees off course…

You can always adjust the stick and the rudder as needed, my friend.

Your destination is waiting.

Your destination is worthy.

2024 is going to be a tremendous year.



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