“The cheapest thing you can give somebody is a smile.” If I heard it once, I heard it thousand times growing up. In the fewest of words, my dad would remind us of our potential, make us laugh, [...]
When she is at her best, laughing and encouraging you, fill her tank. When she‘s on an adventure, pursuing things that bring her joy, fill her tank. When she is unsure, uninspired, and tired, [...]
“How do you think that makes them feel? “Kill them with kindness.” “If they don’t like you, they just don’t know you yet.” These are the words that have echoed louder than any others from my [...]
I have been a copywriter for as long as I’ve been Valerie’s boyfriend. Thirteen years ago this week, I became a professional in both fields by putting the ring on her finger and getting my first [...]
You are today exactly where your decisions have taken you. Regardless of what has happened, you decided what to do, or what not to do next. Regardless of the doors that have opened, you decided [...]
Have you ever wanted more for the world you live in? Have you ever witnessed something that you know in your heart is wrong? Have you ever made a promise to yourself that you will do [...]
Speed dating says, “Swipe through your options until you see something you like.” Courtship says, “Can I spend some time with you learning about what you like?” Speed dating says, “How [...]
I will forever owe my joy and understanding of music to the irreplaceable Marilyn White Lowe. She is the reason I can sit down with any band and play a song without reading music or having [...]