Dead Reckoning

Dead Reckoning. If you repeated this year five times again, would you be where you want to be? If you continued the same habits… If you kept the same company… If you read the same amount… If you [...]

It’s Available to All of Us

Through the victories of your last 51 weeks… Through the challenges of your days, your weeks, and your life… Through people and relationships you are grateful for… Through the ones that [...]

Relevancy vs. Righteousness

The lie is that you are too broken. The lie is that you are too far apart. The lie is that there is no more common ground to be found. The lie is that it’s all bad. The lie is that they are too [...]

Buy Your Business

It’s your final day. You are closing the books. The news has long spread. Your colleagues and clients have shared their goodbyes. You have written your letters of appreciation. You’ve packed your [...]

When You’ve Already Decided

When you’ve already decided you will be healthy, you study and do what healthy people do. When you’ve already decided you will be a better husband, you study and do what better husbands do. When [...]