In Frankly Friday

“People just don’t want to work anymore!”

“They’re all leaving for $1 raise…”

“I’d be growing like crazy if I could just hire more.”

This broken record continues to play across America, chock-full of songs from frustrated business owners, all singing:

“I want the workplace to go back to the way they used to be…

Where everyone showed up and worked hard for decent pay.

People had pride in their work!

And nobody took a mental health day.”

Have you participated in that chorus?

Are you longing for a team you can finally count on again?

I have what I hope will be a very simple solution for you today, my friend.

Talk about the world you’re trying to create.

Be specific.

Who’s life are you making better with the blood and sweat that your employees surrender to you?

What will change as a result of the work you do together?

What will their life look like in one, three, and five years from now?

What is exciting about where you’re going?

What is adventurous and challenging about where you’re going?

What is something scary, risky, and bold you’re going to conquer?

If you know what I’m talking about, you need not do anything except start talking about the future as often as possible.

If you have no clue about any of that, then all I have to say is:

Your situation is going to get worse. Not better.

The era of worrying about if employees are wasting your time is long gone. The question you should really be asking is…

Are you wasting theirs?
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