An Unreasonable Suggestion (BBQ Inside)

Roy H. Williams said it best: “Time, like money is spent. What are you buying with yours?” We buy all sorts of unreasonable things with money. And we usually don’t even shame ourselves for it. [...]

Playing it Safe Isn’t Humble

You have natural abilities. Those natural abilities gave you an advantage over most people. They got you to a reasonable level of success. People applauded you. It felt weird to be celebrated for [...]

Tell It Where to Go

If you asked the average person why they haven’t conquered their goals, there is a significant chance they’d provide one of four excuses: Not enough time Not enough money Not enough energy Not [...]

God and Your iPhone

I’d like to find the writers of the iPhone software who automated this video title yesterday, and I’d like to punch them.  Notice I didn’t just say “this video.” I said “this video title.” “Early [...]

Get Paid to Learn

When I was 17, I wanted to be a music producer.  The path presented to me was an $80,000 program at a music school. It seemed logical: pay to learn the skills, then get a job that pays you for [...]


We are indebted for today’s Frankly Friday to my friend Bill Perkin. With so much banter in the air, so many opinions, and so many people looking for an opportunity to be offended, Bill offered a [...]

Feed Your Future

Today, you will encounter someone who: Confuses you Frustrates you Makes you jealous Suggests you’re inadequate Keeps you stuck What did you get today? You got what was in their tank. They may [...]

It Only Takes a Little Bit

I was a B student. Not because getting an A was hard. But because getting a B… was easy. Until 3rd quarter in 4rd grade when my dad sat me down at the dining room table with my report card in his [...]

Bought and Freed

One day in 1791, a man showed up to a Virginia courthouse, proclaimed “I will pay the highest price for their freedom,” and then proceeded to emancipate every slave he had inherited. His name was [...]

Advice on Advice

My friend Bill is an incredible husband, business leader, mentor, Jesus follower, aviator, and friend. I cherish his advice as much as anyone I’ve ever known… Except for when it comes to [...]