Bought and Freed

One day in 1791, a man showed up to a Virginia courthouse, proclaimed “I will pay the highest price for their freedom,” and then proceeded to emancipate every slave he had inherited. His name was [...]

Advice on Advice

My friend Bill is an incredible husband, business leader, mentor, Jesus follower, aviator, and friend. I cherish his advice as much as anyone I’ve ever known… Except for when it comes to [...]

Ridiculous Wishes

I felt all one-thousand, eight hundred seconds tick down on the face of that flimsy clock, on that manilla brick wall, in that dreadful classroom, on every school day from March 17th, 2004 until [...]

Knew It but Didn’t Do It

A couple of months ago I spent a whole week in flight safety school. Specifically, I was studying what makes the difference between safe pilots and dead pilots. I learned that 93% of all [...]

The Things That Can Get You

Blind spots usually don’t reveal themselves until it’s too late. That’s why it’s a really good idea to check for them often. You cannot see your own blind spots (hence their name). It takes the [...]