Moss Balls and Truth Bombs

“Nobody wants to work anymore.” If those words haven’t come out of your mouth this week, I’ll bet you have at least heard them said. It’s true— the workplace isn’t what it used to be. And to [...]

Rejection is Your Insight

Rejection is Your Insight  You had the best of intentions and still ended up with haters. You got fired, dumped, abandoned by people you were only trying your best for. Your idea got picked [...]

$100,000 Lesson from a Dropout

People often label me as the “anti-college” guy. It’s true, I didn’t stay there long because I didn’t see how it would help me to get where I personally wanted to go. But I’m going to tell you [...]

Letter to Distracted Husbands

She is the one who has never left your side. She is the one who has carried your burdens on her back just as if they were hers. She makes time for your problems, even when you can’t for hers. [...]

Things That Work. Things That Don’t.

You are an expert of immeasurable ability. How do I know? According to my analytics, the average reader of Frankly Friday is 43 years old. That’s 15,965 days. At least 258,000 individual thoughts [...]

How to Opt-Out of A Recession – Part 2

You are wealthy with knowledge.  You have proven yourself to overcome challenges that most can not.  What you know and what you can do will ALWAYS be useful to lots and lots of people.  This is [...]

How to Opt-Out of A Recession – Part 1

The headlines couldn’t wait to speak it into existence: “We’ve entered a recession.” And just like that, millions tossed their confidence to the winds of mainstream news and popular opinion. Now [...]

Roses Don’t Grow on Twigs

“The world will flock to see your roses, yet nobody stops to admire the stems and soil they grow from.” In one casual sentence, my buddy Jon summed up the problem, and the solution [...]

Your Beliefs and Your Decisions

You have a lifetime of experiences – things that have happened to you and things that you have made happen. Some happened by accident, some on purpose. Regardless, your brain formed a series of [...]

Follow the Science

The machines harvested the cotton, spun it into your sheets, and washed them clean. The natural gas controller, fan motor, and thermostat kept your house warm. The microchip processed the app [...]