When Stars Align

I was 17 years old sweeping the floors at a music store, begging for my chance to be a retail salesman. My ears perked up when a guy came in one afternoon looking for answers about how to make [...]

Complexity And Growing

Several people reminded me this week how crucial discomfort is to growing. Then Bill Eckstrom convinced me beyond the shadow of a doubt with his presentation on growth rings. According to him, [...]

A New Set Of Joneses

The newer car. The bigger house. The better body. These are just a few of the measuring sticks people find themselves using to define their happiness level. On the surface, “keeping up with the [...]

Limitation is the Springboard of Creativity

40 Years Ago I Owned An Advertising Agency

Episode 20: Ridiculously Easy Social Content

Business, People, and Fish

Straight For The Hard Stuff

Episode 19: Family Time

How To Be Heard In 2018