In Frankly Friday

What’s the next great thing on your list?

One year from now, how do you wish for your business to be different?

One year from now, how do you wish for your life to be different?

This week I spent more time than usual looking in my rear view mirror of the last four years.

It was exactly four years ago yesterday when I arrived at the conclusion that I needed to resign a job I loved very much. Leaving that place and those people was the hardest thing I’d ever done, but my heart was telling me there was something I’d love even more.

A team member recently reminded me of exactly how I felt in that moment when she said,
“I just have to make room.”

Like Roy said, “The hardest decisions in life are always between two good things.” I found out that my good thing had to go to make room for my great thing.

My great thing has brought me some very difficult days.

It has kept me up more at night than all three of my children.
But it has given me more purpose for myself and others.

What will give you more purpose?

What will give your team more purpose?

You’re going to to have to say goodbye to some good things, but I can personally guarantee that someday you’ll have a moment like I did this week.

There’s no such thing as the perfect timing. Just make room and do it.



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