Moss Balls and Truth Bombs

“Nobody wants to work anymore.” If those words haven’t come out of your mouth this week, I’ll bet you have at least heard them said. It’s true— the workplace isn’t what it used to be. And to that, I have a really unpopular response: Good. Consider for a moment: The average person spends 1/3 of…

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Rejection is Your Insight

Rejection is Your Insight  You had the best of intentions and still ended up with haters. You got fired, dumped, abandoned by people you were only trying your best for. Your idea got picked apart, slow-played, and then ignored. I’ve been hearing a lot of people with this song on repeat ☝. Truth be told,…

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$100,000 Lesson from a Dropout

People often label me as the “anti-college” guy. It’s true, I didn’t stay there long because I didn’t see how it would help me to get where I personally wanted to go. But I’m going to tell you something I’ve never really told anyone… I would gladly pay $100,000 for one lesson I learned from…

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Letter to Distracted Husbands

She is the one who has never left your side. She is the one who has carried your burdens on her back just as if they were hers. She makes time for your problems, even when you can’t for hers. She’s never encouraged you to get caught up in things that are not good for…

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