The Maven Marketing Podcast
We are on a constant mission to help you eliminate waste in advertising, grow your business, and achieve the big dream. We have two segments on our weekly podcast to help you do this.
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Maven Mondays are a weekly jolt to your business growth. We share fresh case studies from real business we are growing, strategies we’ve used to 10X companies across America, and interviews with business leaders. Watch on YouTube or listen in on your favorite podcast platform.
How to Immediately Differentiate Your Brand
There are no more unique value propositions. You could invent the next big thing and you’ll have…
Marketing Can Only Do 3 Things
We can get distracted by all the activities and actions associated with marketing. Still, when it comes…
How To Make Your Ads More like Super Bowl Ads
Super Bowl Ads Mentioned In This Episode Hex Clad – Stella Artois – Go Daddy…
How To Be A More Productive Marketer
You’re busy. As a small business marketer, you’ve got so many hats stacked on your head that…
“We believe that marketers who can't teach you why are just a fancy lie.”
Frankly Fridays are a punchy finish to your week, with observations and ideas to get more out of life and business. Start your weekend on a high note by reading or listening on your favorite podcast platform.
The Prayerful Loser
Once a man was asked, “What did you gain by regularly praying to God?” The man replied,…
A Note To Young Drummers and Dreamers
In all of my ventures, in all of my years, I have never encountered a force so…
Pixie Dust
It’s fascinating how many hours people will spend waiting for a few seconds of thrill. We are…
But What About Wednesday?
Your mind is your ultimate source of freedom, so long as you don’t let someone else control…
But What Are You Celebrating?
Can you remember all the way back to this time last year? You were probably getting tense…
Do What You Were Born to Do
3am. 12 bags. Four sleepy faces. One late airplane. No one would blame this tired mama for…
Somebody Wants to Help
Long ago, you took a leap of courage. You launched a career, a business, a family… You…
Challenges vs. Problems
I believe words have power. Do you? Words start and end marriages. Words unite and divide populations….
Why I’m Carrying Cash
You swing into your favorite coffee shop on your way to work. The young kid at the…
You Can’t Win With Her
Do you want to be happy? Do you want to live a life of excitement, impact, and…
Frankly my dear...
“We believe in saying what needs to be said even if you don't want to hear it.”