Your life is a stage. What you say, how you act, the characters you associate with are all on display.
You look out in the audience and see the 5-year-old version is watching everything you’ve been doing.
Are you making him proud?
What is he thinking about the things you’re doing?
The things you’re not doing?
And the amount of fun you’re having?
Sitting right next to him is an 18-year-old version of you.
Are you making him proud?
What is he thinking about the things you’re doing?
The things you’re not doing?
And your level of ambition?
Then you see the most important person in the audience; the highest and best (future) version of you. Sitting there watching your every move.
This is the version of you that you’ve always wanted to be.
The version of you that will make you look back and know you lived, and gave with all that you had.
The version of you that is healthy, generous, abundant, confident, encouraging, joyful, and…
What is he saying about the things you’re doing?
The things you’re not doing?
How you’re caring for your mind, body, and soul?
All three are all waiting on the edge of their seat, cheering you on, watching your every move, and counting on you to make them proud.
Will you?
This year?
This life?
Remember that stages can always be reset, and you can choose a different script.