In Frankly Friday

Long ago, you took a leap of courage.

You launched a career, a business, a family…

You were quickly on fire. You grabbed the world by the tail. Not long after that, everyone started to treat you like you knew exactly what you were doing.

“You’ve got it all figured out,” they assumed.

And so, unlike when you were young, most people stopped giving you advice.

Everyone stopped worrying about you (except for maybe your mom).

Being the achiever that you are, you continued climbing, taking the challenges in stride. 

Most days it felt like flying.

Until one day you woke up and realized… You don’t have it all figured out. 

But unlike when you were young… somebody wasn’t standing there to tell you what you should do next.

Somebody wasn’t going out of their way to encourage you.

Somebody wasn’t looking past your trophies to ask, “Are you alright?”

Not one to complain, you’ve kept on with the show. 

But along the way you accepted the idea that “it’s just lonely at the top.”

And now you greet every day with a weight on your shoulder that never seems to go away. 

It’s dimmed the bright and wonderful light that once shined through you, confusing everyone who knew and came to love you at your best.

You’ve felt them doubting you, criticizing you, and even distancing themselves. 

This destroys you. You feel like you’ve let your most important people down.

And now you’ve come to the conclusion;

Nobody understands.

I don’t know who needs to hear this right now, but…

  1. God understands
  2. Somebody wants to help

The creator of the universe never intended for you to carry fear, anxiety, and shame. You can be sure this is true, because those aren’t things that have ever led you to goodness (God).


There is someone who has been through exactly what you are going through and wants to help. 

They have the battle scars to prove it, a heart to help, and quite possibly, a roadmap to guide you to your next step.

You can call me crazy, but I’ll only accept that after you have sincerely done the following.

  1. Pray. Be honest with God about your struggle. Ask Him to reveal his peace, His wisdom, and the greater plan He has already written for you. 
  2. Seek a mentor. Have the courage to ask them to coffee, explain to them why you reached out to them, and ask their advice.

Don’t be surprised if the mentor in step #2 shows up on your path shortly after you’ve completed step #1. 

Please know, I’m not pretending you can sprinkle spiritual fairy dust on things and just make them go away. I’m not on a prosperity gospel high, and I don’t believe in a superstitious God. 

But I do believe 1,000% that God wants good for you. He designed a better way for all of us. 

And somebody definitely wants to help.

Will you take them up on it?



P.S. – Do you already have that mentor? Forward this to them and tell them you are grateful.

P.P.S. – Are you that mentor who has been helping? Thank you for being who you are.

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