In Frankly Friday

Return on Investment vs Return on Impact  

Return on investment is the language of smart business folks:

  1. What will it cost?
  2. What are the projected cap gains?
  3. When can I expect a profitable exit?

Time is also an investment.

Except for time can’t return more time once it is spent. It can only return impact. 

The smartest leaders calculate financial return on investment each month with a P&L review. 

But how often do us “smart” leaders review our return on impact?

  • A coffee date with our daughters
  • A fishing afternoon with our boys
  • A Chick-fil-A date with our wife, just because
  • Slowing down to give the gas station clerk a word of encouragement 
  • Calling the team in at noon to tell them how much we appreciate them, and calling it an early day. 
  • A Sunday of Sabbath

If we are being honest, we often miss the biggest gains available to us; the impacts of our gratitude, solitude, and encouraging attitude.


Which game are we really trying to win?


Who have we allowed to set the rules?

Give it some thought this weekend.

Examine what scoreboard you’ve been paying attention to…

What you’ve been investing in…

And maybe…

What you haven’t invested in.

Your next steps will be obvious. 

You’ll take them.

Life will be good.



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