Rejection is Your Insight
Rejection is Your Insight
You had the best of intentions and still ended up with haters.
You got fired, dumped, abandoned by people you were only trying your best for.
Your idea got picked apart, slow-played, and then ignored.
I’ve been hearing a lot of people with this song on repeat ☝.
Truth be told, I’ve found myself caught in a verse or two of that this year.
But you know what?
I am grateful.
Having been there and back a hundred times, I can tell you that there are three things you can always count on:
- You are not a $100 bill (not everybody is going to like you).
- Your actions are bigger than your circumstances.
- Rejection is the most valuable insight you will ever find.
People are going to hurt you.
You are going to get your teeth kicked in a few times by things you never saw coming.
Politics and the economy will fall out of your favor.
None of that is really your fault.
But it is always your opportunity to see the BETTER thing you need to build, do, say, or be.
Let me know if you want to talk about it.
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