In Frankly Friday

Not long ago, refreshment had a way of finding you by the end of the week.

Though darkness wasn’t out of sight, neither was the light.

Word on the street is that we’re headed for more turbulent times now.


“It all depends on what happens in November,” they say.

“It’s all going to be over if ______ wins this election.”

“It’s like 19 _ _ all over again.”


I know that you are wise, and you know that this rhetoric is merely poison.

But a frog doesn’t know he’s boiling until it’s too late.

Can I suggest that wise people like you and I make a move?

Turn it off.

Delete the app.

Go outside and take a walk. 


You live in America. And that means that you have 1000 times more power to change your own life than the government ever will.

Control the poison, my friend.

Point yourself towards the light.

It’s better this way.





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