How To Be A More Productive Marketer

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You’re busy.

As a small business marketer, you’ve got so many hats stacked on your head that you’ve gotta duck every time you walk through a doorway. Get this approved. Design that. Put out a fire over there.

Today, Caleb & Kyle are going to help you breathe just a bit easier! On this episode of Maven Monday, we’re going to share three practices that will make you a more productive marketer. These are the same practices the team at Frank & Maven uses to help manage dozens of clients across the country and grow them year after year.

We’ll start by Time Blocking. Instead of having a task list, you’re going to structure your day around a constant that no one can avoid: time. This will help you be realistic about what you can accomplish daily. You’ll tell your time where to go instead of wondering where it went.

Then, we’ll discuss the four-minute feedback meeting. Yes, you heard that right. FOUR. MINUTES. If you gather everyone in one room, show them what you’ve got, and hear their live thoughts, you’ll get what you need quickly and save them the headache of another hour-long meeting.

Finally, you’re going to start using a second brain. No, science hasn’t progressed this far, but technology certainly has. Get the little details, notes, and tasks out of your brain and into a tool that helps to organize everything. Whether you realize it or not, you’ll feel more freedom to actually be creative and do better problem-solving.

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