In Frankly Friday

You have more than you’ve ever had before.
But when are you at your best?
You’re traveling to exciting new places, and meeting interesting people.
But when are you at your best?
You have freedom and new friends.
But when are you at your best?
Look back on your best seasons.
Look at the people you want to be like.
Look at the version of you that you want to be like.
When are you at your best?
When this is the question being asked, a breakthrough is never very far away.
I have learned:

  • I am at my best when I seek to understand more, not to have more
  • I am at my best when I choose to be happy about the hard work
  • I am at best when I prioritize conversations with my wife
  • I am at my best when I go out of my way to be challenged
  • I am at my best when I go out of my way to be around stronger people than me
  • I am at my best when I eat and sleep well
  • I am at my best when I start my day early
  • I am at my best when I start my day with truth
  • I am at my best when I pray for wisdom and discernment
  • I am at my best when I seek to look at people as a loving, forgiving God would look at them
I am at my best when I realize that my best is only a few choices away.
I believe you are, too.
Suppose I’m right… What would those choices be?
And… what are we waiting for?
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