Your mind is your ultimate source of freedom, so long as you don’t let someone else control it.

Your body is your most powerful of all tools, so long as you don’t neglect and poison it.

Your words are the most effective of all weapons, so long as you use them wisely.

I’ll bet that you’ve already decided what you will do next Tuesday, no matter what.

But have you decided what you will do Wednesday, no matter what?

I know you already know this, but I’m wondering if you’d enjoy a friendly reminder:

1. You have more control over your future than any politician ever will.

2. You have access an internal peace greater than any government could ever provide.

3. And you have an extremely powerful ability to improve the mood of those around you, if you just try.

You have the power, my friend.

Rest your thoughts.

Go on a walk.

Say something nice as often as you can.

And on Wednesday… may we all get back to doing good work in the greatest country in the world.



“Whatever we plant in our subconscious and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality.”

– Earl Nightingale


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FF But What About Wednesday?

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