In Frankly Friday
Roy H. Williams said it best:

“Time, like money is spent. What are you buying with yours?”

We buy all sorts of unreasonable things with money. And we usually don’t even shame ourselves for it.

But we very seldom buy unreasonable things with our time. And when we do, we feel guilty, pressured, and rushed to get back to our responsibilities.

Unreasonable time looks like:

  • Something that wasn’t in the schedule
  • Doing something without a clear ROI
  • Doing something just for the heck of it
A few years ago I took an reasonable amount of time to experiment in the kitchen. Three days to be exact…

After dozens of experiments, secret ingredients, and dirty pots and pans, I finally landed on what I consider to be the perfect barbecue sauce. Then I paired it with the perfect smoked ribs.

And then I took an unreasonable amount of time to write out the exact recipe so I could share it with you and my friends.

The truth is, I don’t even like BBQ all that much. I had no competition, no grand plans of selling anything, and nobody to even impress. I just got unreasonably curious about how BBQ flavors were made… so I spent an unreasonable time jacking around with them.

I’m certain that I can’t tell you “why”… but I am positively glad that I did it.

A hundred times greater than the satisfaction of the BBQ was the pure joy of getting lost in something.

My RAM was reset. My batteries were charged. My mental clarity was squeaky clean upon return.

I’m wondering… should you find some extra time on your hands in these next few days, what unreasonable thing could you do with it?

People and work and life have all taken unreasonable time away from you… it’s only fair that you take a little of it back.

I wish you all the best.

And if you want some barbecue while you’re at it… here’s the link to my Ribs & Sauce.



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